Uplift Yu https://upliftyu77.com Elevate Your Mind, Ignite Your Potential Mon, 15 Jan 2024 03:21:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://upliftyu77.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-UpliftYu-logo-98-x-98-px-dk-32x32.png Uplift Yu https://upliftyu77.com 32 32 10 Tiny Improvements You Can Make to Yourself Right Now https://upliftyu77.com/10-tiny-improvements-you-can-make-to-yourself-right-now/ https://upliftyu77.com/10-tiny-improvements-you-can-make-to-yourself-right-now/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:53:08 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-13/ We all want to be better. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves. Problem is that getting to this point can be difficult when you have so little time and energy left in a typical day.

Attempting to start a huge new workout regime, or set up a home business will often just be met with resistance, failure, and disappointment. These are huge changes that you hope to enact, and very often we don’t have the energy or time to make them happen.

So instead, why not start very small and then let those little changes add up to a better you? Here are ten tiny improvements you can make to yourself right now.

1 Make Your Bed in the Morning

This is a great way to “train” your willpower, not to mention improve the bed you come home to that evening. You’ll even sleep better!

2 Wake Up Ten Minutes Earlier

What could you do with ten more minutes in your day? Just move your clock ten minutes earlier, you’ll hardly notice the difference.

3 Take Omega 3 Fatty Acid

This boosts brain function, energy, immunity, and more. It also helps to fight inflammation, and most of us don’t get enough of it.

4 Sit Outside

For at least five minutes a day. You’ll sleep better, boost vitamin D, get more fresh air, and even improve your temperature regulation and immune system. Try doing something you already do but move it outside – like exercise.

5 Meditate for Five Minutes

Meditation has HUGE and profound benefits. It’s also something that can be hard to stick with. So start with just five minutes a day, that’s actually enough to see improvements in mood, focus, and more.

6 Drink More Water

You’ll look slimmer, look better, and feel more energetic. Most of us are permanently dehydrated.

7 Get New Shoes

Or a watch. Or a suit. In short – make one small change to improve the way you look. You’ll feel better and people will treat you differently.

8 Breathe With Your Mouth Closed

If you don’t already, make this a commitment. You’ll find it actually improves your looks and it helps to better filter and improve the oxygen coming in.

9 Do 20 Press Ups Every Day

This will boost energy levels, tone your abs, increase your pushing strength, and serve as the basis for a larger training program.

10 Floss Your Mouth

A small thing that not only makes your teeth whiter but has been shown to reduce risk of cancer and more!

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Top Tips for Setting Powerful Goals https://upliftyu77.com/top-tips-for-setting-powerful-goals/ https://upliftyu77.com/top-tips-for-setting-powerful-goals/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:52:09 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-12/ Goal setting is a powerful tool to help us get everything we want in life.

And further, the act of setting goals provides us with focus, and it shapes our dreams

We all need powerful, long-term goals to help us get past the short-term obstacles that life often throws at us.

It provides us with the ability to determine the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we want in life. We all need powerful, long-term goals to help us get past the short-term obstacles that life often throws at us. The more powerful our goals are, the more we can act on and guarantee we will be able to achieve them.

Evaluate and Reflect

The only way for you to decide what you want in the future and how you’ll get there is for you to know where you are right now and what your current level of satisfaction with your life is. First, you’ll need to take some time to think through your current situation, and then ask whether you’re okay with it or not. Evaluating your current situation gives you an objective way to look at all you’ve accomplished, and it shows you where you are currently, so you can determine where you need to go.

Define Your Goals and Dreams

One of the great things that we’ve been given is the desire to dream of a better life and the ability to set goals to live out those dreams. Everyone has dreams. They may be right on the surface, or they might be buried deep down inside of you. Take the time to be quiet and reflect on your dreams and determine how you can accomplish them.

Have Accountability

When you share your dreams and goals with others, they have the power to hold you accountable by asking you to keep them updated on your progress. Accountability helps to put some teeth into the process. A goal isn’t as powerful if you don’t have at least one other person who can hold you accountable.

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

When setting goals, they need to be smart, which means they need to be:

* Specific

* Measurable

* Attainable

* Realistic

* And Have a Timeline

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals will ensure that you have the tools you need to achieve them and that you are successful in reaching them.

Everyone wants to make a difference in their lives and accomplish something big. When you set powerful goals, you can increase your chances of getting everything you have ever wanted in your life. By sticking with your goals, you will be one step closer to being the person that you always wanted to be.

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Powerful Signs that It’s Time to Change Your Mindset https://upliftyu77.com/powerful-signs-that-its-time-to-change-your-mindset/ https://upliftyu77.com/powerful-signs-that-its-time-to-change-your-mindset/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:51:10 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-11/ The way you perceive your life is what makes you happy or unhappy.

If negative assumptions or beliefs are consuming you, then chances of you being happy in your life are low.

Cultivating a positive mindset, even when facing challenges, will allow you to experience happiness and live a more fulfilling life. It can be difficult to tell whether the negative thoughts are outside yourself or a part of your psyche. Here are four powerful signs that it’s time to change your mindset.

Sign #1 – You Are Constantly Focusing on What’s Wrong

If you’re always fixated on your disappointments and worries, and never thinking about the things that are going your way, this is a sign that your current mindset is overrun with negativity. While you may be experiencing difficult times, the odds are that there is at least one thing in your life that is good. Take the time to be thankful for the good things in your life to help the negativity from completely overwhelming your perspective.

Sign #2 – You Forget to Celebrate Your Victories

If you tend to gloss over your victories, and feel angry when you suffer a loss, then it’s time to change your mindset. If you fail to take the time to celebrate the moment when something goes your way, it’s because you subconsciously believe you don’t deserve the victory. This sends the negative message that you will always fail. It is essential to believe that you are capable of real victory.

Sign #3 – You Can’t Face the Truth

Complaining about your life is never going to change it. If you tend to complain about everything, it’s a sign you need a shift in your mindset. Relentlessly complaining is nothing more than a refusal to acknowledge and accept the truth. Take the time to change those things that you can and stop worrying about those that you can’t.

Sign #4 – You Constantly Disagree with Everyone

If you always disagree with the people around you, it’s a good sign that you might need to work on your mindset. This is especially true if you continually argue with those people that you trust and respect. Your arguments reflect more on you than on them.

If any of these signs sound familiar, it’s time to let go of the negative thoughts and begin to change your mindset. Changing your mindset isn’t easy, but it is one of the most powerful things that you can do for yourself.

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How to Achieve Any Goal that You Set https://upliftyu77.com/how-to-achieve-any-goal-that-you-set/ https://upliftyu77.com/how-to-achieve-any-goal-that-you-set/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:50:10 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-10/ There is a big difference between setting goals and achieving them. When it comes to setting goals, many of us continue to rely on hope, but to actually accomplish the goals that we’ve set for ourselves, we need to create a solid plan for success. (something we’ve talked about before).

The purpose of setting goals isn’t merely to achieve them; it’s about what you learn throughout the journey.

. Here are five simple steps that you can take to achieve any goal you set for yourself.

Step #1 – Make it Smaller

You have to start out big when first envisioning your goal. However, if you want any chance of achieving your goals, you have to transform the big goals, into smaller goals. By setting small goal benchmarks to work toward, the larger goal you’ve set becomes more achievable because you’ve created smaller, more manageable steps.

Step #2 – Make it Reasonable

A good goal should stretch you to the edge of your comfort zone, but not freely cross over into fiction. Everybody would love to make a million dollars this year, but it that number isn’t one that you can truly wrap your brain around, you’ll have to start with a number that stretches you but one that is still believable. Creating smaller, more realistic goals feeds into step one of breaking big ideas into smaller actions.

Step #3 – Make it Known

To achieve your goals, you need to have the right support on the journey. You want to tell those people who are supportive and involved in your success with your goal. They need to have the ability to bolster you when you face challenges. By verbalizing your goal, you also hold yourself more accountable to the goals, helping you reach them.

Step #4 – Make it Trackable

When goals are broken down into smaller benchmarks, it helps to create action plans into smaller events that eventually will have a cumulative effect on the big picture. This is an excellent tactic to help you put some measurements and metrics into the task. Tracking your progress will allow you to see how your overall goal is progressing against each small milestone that you’ve set.

Step #5 – Make it Fun

Figure out a way to celebrate your victories. Make tracking the progress you make toward your goals fun and meaningful. The more fun you have, the more successful you’ll be in achieving your goals.

The purpose of setting goals isn’t merely to achieve them; it’s about what you learn throughout the journey. Learn to enjoy not just the destination but also the process of how you get there.

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Five Proven Ways to Gain Self-Discipline and Achieve Your Goals https://upliftyu77.com/five-proven-ways-to-gain-self-discipline-and-achieve-your-goals/ https://upliftyu77.com/five-proven-ways-to-gain-self-discipline-and-achieve-your-goals/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:49:24 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-9/ While numerous essential qualities can contribute to your happiness and achievements, there is only one that will ensure long-term success in all aspects of your life, and that is self-discipline.

Self-discipline is the number one trait that you need to accomplish your goals.

Self-discipline is a learned behavior that requires practice and repetition. Here are five proven ways you can gain more self-discipline and achieve your goals.

Here are five proven ways you can gain more self-discipline and achieve your goals.

#1 – Remove Temptations

Removing all distractions and temptations from your environment is a crucial step when trying to improve your self-discipline. Set yourself up for success by getting rid of the bad influences in your life. If you’re trying to eat healthier, get rid of the junk food. If you want to improve your focus at work, remove the clutter from your desk and turn your cell phone off.

#2 – Eat Healthy Foods and Eat Regularly

Numerous studies have shown that low blood sugar can result in your resolve becoming weakened. When you’re hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers because your brain isn’t able to function at its highest potential. Not only does hunger make it challenging to focus, but it also makes you pessimistic.

#3 – Don’t Wait for it to “Feel Right”

For you to improve your self-discipline, you have to change up your usual routine. This can be extremely uncomfortable and awkward, and your brain will resist the change in favor of what it has already been programmed to do. You need to acknowledge that it will take a while for the new routine to feel right, but you need to keep moving forward if you want to improve your self-discipline.

#4 – Schedule Breaks and Reward Yourself

Giving yourself zero wiggle room will increase your chances of failure. While practicing your self-control, be sure to give yourself breaks, and reward yourself for your accomplishments. Improving your self-discipline can be hard, so reward yourself for your efforts to keep your motivation high.

#5 – Forgive Yourself

Implementing a new way of thinking isn’t always going to go according to your plan. You will have successes and failures. The key to improving your self-discipline is continuing to move forward, even in the face of setbacks and challenges. Forgive yourself and get back to moving forward. The longer you’re off your game, the harder it is going to be to continue moving in a positive direction.

These five proven methods for gaining self-discipline will help you to break bad habits, establish good ones and improve your self-control. Having improved self-discipline will allow you to live a freer life by helping you make healthier choices.

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4 Ways Exercise Can Help Develop Your Positive Thinking https://upliftyu77.com/4-ways-exercise-can-help-develop-your-positive-thinking/ https://upliftyu77.com/4-ways-exercise-can-help-develop-your-positive-thinking/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:48:24 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-8/ For those who agree with the next three sentences, you’re on your way to developing your positive thinking!

Exercise is fun. Exercise is healthy. Exercise is important. Exercise is also tiring, and the sweat makes you feel icky.

On the other hand, the last statement is what most negative thinkers would say whenever someone reminds them to go exercise, so I hope you didn’t agree with that!

Here are six ways exercising regularly can help you become a positive thinker.

  1. It boosts your energy levels

If you feel tired and sluggish and all you want to do is lie down in bed, but you’ve still got a lot of work to do, then you may want to go for a quick run around your neighborhood. Try brisk walking or jogging for 5 or 10 minutes and see how you feel afterward.

Alternatively, you can also try skipping rope or doing sit ups or push ups during your breaks. Ask yourself if you felt good after. If you did, then that’s exercise boosting your energy levels right there!

  • It helps improve your social skills

If you like to work out alone, in the comfort of your house, then it’s obviously not going to help improve your social skills. However, if you go to the gym or join a running club, or something similar, then you’ll be around people who like to take care of their bodies.

As long as you don’t confine yourself to the corner, and learn how to make new friends, then you’ll greatly improve your social skills.

  • Better sleep at night

Getting a good night’s sleep is important. And one of the best ways you can get it is by exercising regularly. Exercise helps you fall asleep faster, and it helps you sleep deeply, too.

If you’re tired of waking up cranky in the morning because you keep waking up in the middle of the night, then try exercising to improve the quality of your sleep!

  • Improves mood

When you exercise, you experience an increase of endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that make us happy and feel positive. It makes us feel good while at the same time it diminishes pain.

When you exercise, you feel good afterward, provided, of course, you did not abuse your body or worked it way too hard. If you’ve ever heard of ‘runner’s high,’ it’s the endorphins that cause that feeling of euphoria!

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Living In The Moment Really Can Contribute To Your Happiness https://upliftyu77.com/living-in-the-moment-really-can-contribute-to-your-happiness/ https://upliftyu77.com/living-in-the-moment-really-can-contribute-to-your-happiness/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:46:56 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-7/ You might physically be in the here and now, but your mind? It’s off on its own little adventure, either strolling down memory lane or hitching a ride on the daydream express.

Hey there, fellow coach! Living in the moment might sound like a breeze, but let’s be real – it’s often easier said than done.

So, how do we actually live in the moment? Well, it takes a conscious effort. Picture this: You’re knee-deep in some important computer task, and suddenly, you’re mentally whisked away into a sunset or reliving the sensation of sand beneath your feet. Life’s little interruptions, like a ringing phone or a friendly nudge, snap you back to reality, only to find out time has slipped away unnoticed.

Think about it – how can you be truly happy if you can’t recall what happened a few minutes ago? Dwelling on the past or getting too carried away with future excitement robs us of the joy in the present.

Sure, setting goals for the future is vital, but here’s the kicker – don’t underestimate the beauty of the journey. What if you don’t reach that ultimate goal? Waiting until you get there to be happy is a risky game. Enjoy the ride, relish the journey because happiness shouldn’t be postponed.

Practicing mindfulness is your secret weapon. Take a moment to observe what’s happening around you right now. Engage all your senses – see, hear, touch, smell, feel. Once that moment slips away, it’s gone for good. No time machine to rewind, no do-overs. Being present lets you focus on what truly matters. The past loses its grip, the future can wait, and you become a master of happiness in the present.

Don’t let those moments pass you by, coach. Embrace them, savor them, and let them be the building blocks of your happiness journey!

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Crafting Success: Simple Steps to Transform Your Lifestyle for Newbies https://upliftyu77.com/crafting-success-simple-steps-to-transform-your-lifestyle-for-newbies/ https://upliftyu77.com/crafting-success-simple-steps-to-transform-your-lifestyle-for-newbies/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:45:29 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-6/ Alright, let’s break it down. When you’re aiming for success, there’s some groundwork you can do right now to set yourself up for it.

No need to make it overly complicated, just a few tweaks to get you on the right track.

First things first, take care of yourself. It’s like setting up the basics – if you don’t, you’ll end up overwhelmed with all the work it takes to succeed. Think of it as giving your body what it needs to perform well. Get enough sleep, have a decent breakfast, and move a bit every day. Choose real food, avoid too much sugar – it surprisingly boosts your focus.

But it’s not just about the body; your mind plays a big role too. Instead of spending too much time on TV or social media, try things that kickstart your success journey. Read or listen to shows that motivate you. Find books and shows related to your goals. Make it a daily thing – it can really transform your mindset.

Now, here’s a vital one – the people around you. Hang out with those who are working towards their dreams, not the ones stuck in complaining mode. People influence each other, so surround yourself with motivated folks, and you’ll likely go a long way.

There are plenty of lifestyle changes you can make for success – some obvious, some not so much. If you’re serious about planning a successful life and willing to make some changes, you’re on the right path to turning your dreams into reality!

So, start with these small changes, and watch your journey to success unfold!

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Embracing Change: Rethinking How We See Failure https://upliftyu77.com/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-5/ https://upliftyu77.com/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-5/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:44:03 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-5/ It takes a toll on our confidence, messes with our self-esteem, and can even lead to serious consequences like depression. Our personal relationships and self-image take a beating without that confidence boost.

Let’s get real – finding out we fall short can hit hard.

Some argue it’s society’s fault, pushing us to fit a tailored definition of success – big money, top-tier achievements. The problem? That definition often doesn’t match our passions, especially if you’re a creative spirit thriving on self-expression and innovation.

It might feel like the world isn’t kind to the creative bunch, but here’s the thing: we can change our perspective. Our minds become our own cages when we accept society’s definition of success instead of creating our own. It gets worse when we start seeing ourselves as failures just because we don’t tick society’s success boxes.

But here’s the good news – there’s no universal law forcing us to accept society’s definition of failure and carry it as a self-condemning label forever. We need to redefine failure as an opportunity rather than a life sentence.

Sure, easier said than done, but it’s possible for anyone. Failure can be many things, but it’s definitely not an identity. You are not a failure. Loud and clear, let that sink in.

Instead, see failure as a chance to view your task differently. Whatever your goal is, there are multiple paths to success. If you skip the analysis of your choices and the reasons behind success and failure, you miss out on the lessons failure can teach.

By seeing failure in a new light, you open doors and start seeing opportunities where you once saw roadblocks. It’s a game-changer that boosts your confidence and breaks free from the expectations you set for yourself. Failure is not a death sentence; it’s an opportunity for growth! 🌟

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Navigating Challenges: Signs You Might be Off Course and How to Get Back on Track https://upliftyu77.com/navigating-challenges-signs-you-might-be-off-course-and-how-to-get-back-on-track/ https://upliftyu77.com/navigating-challenges-signs-you-might-be-off-course-and-how-to-get-back-on-track/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 02:41:49 +0000 https://upliftyu77.com/2020/08/10/how-to-harness-the-power-of-online-learning-4/ Hey Coach guess what? There are signs along the way that can warn you if you’re heading towards failure.

Look, nobody enjoys the idea of failing. It’s like this universal fear we all share – nobody wants to be seen as incapable or fall short, especially when chasing dreams.

And the good news? You can totally course-correct if you pay attention.

**1. Refusal to Take Accountability:

  • Okay, we get it; admitting mistakes is tough. But if you’re in denial about your actions, it’s a big red flag. Without owning up to mistakes, you’re missing the chance to learn and improve.

**2. Lack of Confidence:

  • Doubting yourself happens, but if you don’t believe success is possible, that’s a whole different ball game. Confidence is your shield against setbacks. Without it, every stumble feels like a knockout. You can succeed even after a setback; you just need that self-belief.

**3. Resistance to Setting Goals:

  • Goals are like your roadmap to success. If you’re brushing them off, it’s like wandering aimlessly. Setting and reaching goals is crucial. Without them, success becomes almost impossible.

**4. Avoiding Blame:

  • Blaming others instead of accepting responsibility? Not the best strategy. It doesn’t move you forward. Learn to be objective, own up to mistakes, and handle situations maturely.

**5. Lack of Follow-Through:

  • Success requires hard work and perseverance. If you struggle with follow-through, you might find yourself stuck. Discipline is key to achieving your goals; it’s not impossible, just needs some grit.

Here’s the cool part – all these red flags are fixable. It’s about learning, taking responsibility, and being willing to adjust your course. If you’re up for it, there’s nothing stopping you from reaching those dreams. So, let’s tackle those challenges and get you back on the road to success!

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